Happy New Year to my friends and family! May we all be bless with a wonderful 2006. I don't have a saying this year, I can't come up with anything that would beat my "Troll Free in 2003" diddy. LOL Oh yea, then I had "Trolls out the door in 2004". Now I'm old and have no imagination, maybe toinght when I get home from the dance. LOL
I know, no pics from Christmas yet, my computer is acting freaky, imagine that, it's paid for this week and I think it knows it. I didn't take many pictures anyway, so they are staying on the camera till I know they will get from point a, the camera, to point b, my computer. Maybe we'll get some good pics tonight at DL's. :)
And so for the last time in 2005, have a great one everyone!