Saturday, February 13, 2010

A sleepy Saturday night

It's only 7pm and I think I'm ready to head off to bed. I tried very hard last night to stay up till the end of the opening ceremonies but I only managed to hold off till 12 before heading to bed. Up this morning and off to Cheer, yes, it does seem that the world revolves around Cheerleading. LOL I went over to watch the last hour, then brought Brea home, she got showered and then off to the Super Store where they bagged groceries for 2 hours to raise money for the team.

Josh got out for a drive twice today, for the first time in a couple of weeks. With any snow on the road I won't let him drive, that car is crap in the snow, well, it's crap all the time IMO but as usually my opinion doesn't count for much around here. LOL

I was told to pick up a copy of the local paper today, so I did, and got to read a very interesting article about a business in town getting an award for being such a great place, very little staff turn over because he treats his employees so well, hmmmm, that's funny, not quite the way I remember it and there are plenty more that agree with me, BS, I can't believe the article was even in the paper. Oh well, karma...karma...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wrinkle Lotion

Now here's something I need! I need something to help with my wrinkles, now, they aren't too bad right yet, but I'm sure every month now I can find a couple more, I'd like to blame it on the kids but I guess my age "might" have something to do with it. If you are looking for a good wrinkle lotion, check out this page where they rank the top selling lotions available to you, research before you go out spending money on something that might not be right for your skin.

Prenatal Vitamins

Now this is something that I know a lot more about now, not so much when I got pregnant the first time. I didn't even go on prenatal vitamins, my Dr. never mentioned it. But now I'm the one who is always after my friends that are thinking about having children to make sure they take prenatal vitamins. Now that I know that a dose of folic acid can keep your unborn baby from having Spina Bifida, I'm all about pushing vitamins. So if you are thinking of having a baby, even if you aren't trying yet, check out what the best of them are and start taking them, please.

Best Fat Burner

Have you wanted to try a fat burner but have been confused about what one is the right one for you? Join the club! I've tried a few of them in the last few months but haven't really had any luck at all with any of them. Then I found a page that tells you what the best fat burner for you is. They review most of the fat burners that are on the market today and tell you about them, the good, the bad and the ugly, which is usually the price. LOL

A quiet weekend

Or quiet compared to last weekend. Brea has cheer tomorrow morning and then has to bag groceries at Super Store tomorrow afternoon, to raise money for the Cheerleaders. We hope to be able to buy them new uniforms at some point, not that it's going to happen any time soon. Other than that? I really have no plans at all for the weekend and that's just the way I love it!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Skin Care

Everyone has different skin and skin problems, which makes it a little harder to go out shopping for skin care products. To make things a little easier you can go to this web site and read all about different skin care products. From acne products to moisturizers they have them all listed, with the good and the bad about each one. They review all of the products by researching all the best innovations and research in skin care.

Lose Weight

Spring is on it's way, or so we're told. Now is when everyone starts to panic about getting some extra winter weight off. If you are looking to lose weight and would like to have a little help from some supplements, check out this site that gives you the top 3 weight loss supplements. It tells you the good and the bad of all of them so you can make up your mind before you go out and spend money on something that is not the right thing for you.

EastCoast Showdown Pictures

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Colon and Body Cleanser

The last few years we've heard many things about colon cleanse. I've actually done it once and it was no big deal. Actually now that I think about it, it's probably about that time again. If you are looking for a good colon and body cleanser I have found just the place to look. This site names the top 3 colon cleanse systems and their prices. If you are thinking of doing this, have a look at the page and read all the information before you decide.


I've said before, having a teen in the house and now a tween, I'm forever looking for the best acne treatments. When I heard of accutane, I had to go do some reviews of it, because really, I've never heard of it. If you check out the page that I did, it gives the reviews, what the problems have been with it and what the good things about it are. I haven't decided if it's something we want to try in our household, I'd like to hear more stories about it first. If you go to that page and have used it, you can rate your experience with it. If you'd like to give something with less side effects, they list the best of the best, which is the way I think we'll end up going.

First competition over

We had a very busy weekend, leaving here by 11:30 on Friday and not getting home till 7ish on Sunday, by that time I was so darn tired I can't say for sure what time we got home. The girls did great, they got a bit of stage fright but after a chat from their Head Coach Meikka, and some hugs and kisses from parents, they went out there and they ROCKED the place. You would never know that they had never performed in front of a large audience before. They were in last place as of Saturday night, not that we cared, they did their best and it was amazing, but Sunday they did even better and moved up to 4Th place, so we were even more proud of them than we were on Saturday.

Then it was a long drive home, we woke up to snow in NB so the drive home was pretty scary at times, I don't enjoy snow covered roads, especially when someone besides Doug is driving. LOL I'm sure on that road I would have been growling at him too. I was scared to death, I even had a sore neck yesterday that probably came from being so tense.

Anyway, first one is done, the next one is the end of the month, 2 days in Exhibition Park in Halifax, we aren't staying in, the competition doesn't start till 11 both days so we'll drive in and out. Now we just have to come up with registration $$. Chaching!