Yay, it's over! I hate Halloween, I don't think I've like it much since I was too old to go get treats. hehe Anyway, Breanna and I were out and are back and nice and warm in our jammies. Josh had to work, so he dressed up in his camo outfit and went to work, Brea and I dropped in to visit on our way by and I guess they were pretty bored.
Cheer today was cute, everyone dressed up for practice, mind you most of them had to take their costumes off to practice but it was nice to get to see them all dressed up. Had some treats and took orders for their track suits, I can't wait to see them, now we'll match the rest of the kids.
My boy bought me a very nice gift last week, I needed a new cell phone and every pay week there's just not enough to stretch that far, so he took the money he had saved to buy my Christmas gift and bought me a Galaxy S cell phone, I love it, I'm sure I'll love it more when I figure out how to use everything on it. LOL