Thursday, September 29, 2011

Slacker...ya, that's me!

Yes, I know, I'm slack, I haven't been blogging much lately, mostly because there's just nothing blog worthy going on in my life. LOL

The kids are both doing well in school, Josh is enjoying his course and finding out that it's a lot different than high school. He's enjoying the time in the shop doing the hands on learning. He's keeping very busy going to school then some nights coming right now and going to work. Tomorrow is his first full day off since he started school, no school no work. You watch him get called in to work, he won't be happy. LOL Breanna is doing much better in school now that we've put her back in an English class. French immersion just wasn't for her, I should have pulled her out last fall when she had a bad first term but everyone kept telling me I had to give her time. She's back in a class with the best friend that she's had since she was 3, so they love that.

I did get some news a couple weeks ago about my back surgery. The day I got the call wasn't a good day. I've been waiting for a year and a half but the thought of it now being booked makes me sick to my stomach. Everyone says it's good that it will be done and I hope when it's all said and done I'm happy with the out come. The recovery time is 3-6 months so right now I can't make any plans for anything till after the new year. It's very scary, I'm petrified and think they should just put me to sleep a few days before. LOL It's hard when it's what everyone thinks I should have done but I'm scared that it's going to make my quality of life worse, not better. I want to be pain free but they can't promise me that, they've said that there is a 70% chance that I'll be 70% better. So I probably will never be pain free but hopefully it will be comfortable enough that I will be able to go back to doing more than I do now.

 If you are from Liverpool and have moved away, check out this very interesting blog that a friend has started, Tim is full of knowledge about Liverpool and has so many interesting pictures and stories, it's my new favorite blog that I check out every day.