Saturday, June 03, 2006

Children's Miracle Network

ATLANTIC CANADIANS ROCK!!! At the 2 hour mark...over...
We'll be making our pledge before it's over. It's going to the best place, it's all for the kids, mine, yours, your friend's child. Everyone has an IWK story and this place saves lives. Without this hospital, their Doctors, Nurses and their equipment, my son, Josh, would not be with us.
Next year Josh wants to be there at the IWK during the telethon to present a cheque. I told him to stay on the student council and talk to them about raising some moeny, I'll help them out however I can. We will be in the city that weekend for the SB Slowpitch Tournament.
OH! 3 hour total just was put up...
If you would like to make a donation go here...
If you can donate, let me know, leave us a comment so we can thank you.

Rained Out!

For the first time in 15 years, the ball tournament got rained out! I think we jinxed it! So we went to the city for the night for nothing, I mean, we had fun, but the money could have been spent elsewhere, like on bills or that kinda stuff. Oh well, the kids got some swimming in and lots to eat. It's been raining since yesterday and is suppose to continue till Monday, oh yay! The pool did need a little more water, did being the word.

This weekend is the IWK/Grace Health Center Telethon, it comes on at 7pm here and continues until tomorrow afternoon. There's a chance Breanna might be on it at some point, they came up to tape her class because one of the students spends lots of time there. Not sure what time the class will be on but we'll be trying to catch it.

Anyway, time to put away the laundry, have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hump day Wednesday

I'm happy to report the pool is looking much better, it's cleaning up very fast this year. After 6 years of doing this Doug doesn't have much of a problem getting the chemicals right on.

I took tonight off so I can get some stuff done. Breanna and I are getting our hair cut at 4, then I'll go for my walk and then help Josh finish up a project that has to be turned in on Friday.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Chicken Soup Anyone?

That's what our pool looks like right now, a big ol bowl of chicken soup! Gross eh? I'll post another picture next week, by then it should be crystal clear. Right now it's only 66, Brrrrrrrrrr! Another 20 degrees and it will be warm enough for me to get in! I swear as soon as the kids are grown enough that we don't use a pool anymore, I'm having a hot tub, that's much more my temprerature!

It's sunny and warm here today, hope the weather holds out till the weekend. I work tonight and was suppose to work tomorrow night but I took it off, Doug is on vacation this week and I hate having to leave every night before supper to go to work. Then I work Thurs. and Thurs. night I'll start getting things ready to go away. We should be back late Saturday night so I don't expect to see the kids too early on Sunday, they'll be beat. Sunday night we're going to Doug's parents for supper, it's his father's birthday.

Breanna was invited out on Sunday to visit a friend. They have a trampoline, guess what Breanna wants? LOL I told her to go jump up and down in the pool, same thing olny different.

Well I better get some cleaning done before I go to work. Have a good one!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Happy Birthday In Heaven

Today would have been my father's 67th birthday if he was still with us. For the last week I have been dreaming of him, not good dreams, reliving the last few months that he was alive, dreaming of him laying in his bed crying, he didn't want to die, dreaming of him being so sick that he wanted to die, it's been terrible, so I haven't been sleeping much. I hope that with his birthday here, my dreams will go back to good ones, remembering how much we loved him and he loved us, not a day goes by that I don't wish he was still here.

So Happy Birthday in Heaven Dad, we love you and miss you more than words can say.