Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Back at em!

The kids are back to the grind this morning, after having a snow day yesterday. They went out to play for awhile and then came in and worked on school work. Josh has 4 tests this week so the extra study time was a good thing. Wait till next year, he'll be doing exams! That will be fun, NOT! He's also trying to get 15 reading assignments ahead before he goes in the hospital. I know the first week he won't get any homework done so that will be one less thing to worry about.

Doug is still trying to switch his vacation around to get it to work out best. He's going to take floaters for the day Josh has surgery and the next day, since Josh will be in the ICU for at least that long. Then he'll go back to work for the rest of the week. The following week he'll take his vacation and with any luck we can get Josh home before the end of that weekend, if not I'll have to come home and take the van back in so I can bring him home. I can only have 2 weeks off before the computer at work decides I don't work there anymore, so I will come out and work a short shift and then go back in. I'm still waiting on the call from the nurse to tell us what time we have to be there on Sunday. Sunday and Monday are going to be long days, even longer for Josh, he'll be doing the bowel prep and can't eat after Sat.

Well I should go try and have a nap, I didn't sleep too great last night, nerves are shot and I'll be glad when this is all over so life can return to it's somewhat normal state. But then again, normal is just a setting on your dryer. :)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Monday blahs

What's worse than Monday? A cold grey Monday with 5-10 cms of snow in the forcast. Uckk, we are so spoiled by the winter we've been having. Oh yea, and I have to work tonight too. Uck! LOL

Breanna skated yesterday, she's busy getting ready for the competition on the 5th. She loves skating, so far, but if some day she decides it's not fun anymore, she'll be done. There's times I wish I could have kept going when I was younger but you know it got to the point that it cost more than a 40ozer and Mom decided I was done. LOL I only wish it was that cheap now! I'm still not getting very good pictures at the rink, I'll take the camera with me again tomorrow and keep tying with different settings. I know I haven't had any pics of Josh with the new camera but believe me you will see plenty when we are in the hospital, I'm taking the camera with us, along with the other 1000 things on my list. I think I'll need a truck.

If you want to be added to the email list for when we are in the hospital let me know. As long as the compter is working okay in there I'll be sending daily updates to friends and family, well, most of my family. LOL

So I guess it's time to go finish the laundry and watch the weather network. Later!