It's finally SUMMER! Yes, my favorite time of the year. I think it should be summer all year round. LOL Being the first weekend of July, it's Privateer Days here in Liverpool. This is a whole weekend of festivities, concerts, rides, parades, fireworks, you name it and we have it. Tomorrow is the parade so we'll go to that with the kids, it's the first time in years that I haven't been in the parade with one of the kids, I'm looking forward to being able to watch and take pictures instead of walking in it. I'm really not sure if I could have walked in it, my back is way to far gone.
After the parade I'm taking Breanna and Megs to the rides, where they will meet up with Miss Hayleigh and get their bracelets and ride all day. Not real sure how that's going to work out with my back the way it is. LOL
Tomorrow night Brea will do her last part with the Graveyard tours, she didn't get a part this year but she does wear her costume and collect money at the door. She was very disappointed not to be involved with the actual cast, since she thought she was and I thought she was going to decide not to help at the door but I told her that if she did that, she wouldn't get a part next year if there is one.
And the exciting news for the day is...JOSHIE GOT A JOB! Finally, after more than a year of searching, he's employed! We are so happy for him and he's thrilled, I hope he enjoys it and I think he will.
Anyway, 12:14am, I think it's time for me to head to bed!