Thursday, February 16, 2006

Checkin In

Good morning world. Things are going well here at the IWK. Josh's surgery went well and now it's just the long road to recovery. He had the bladder augmentation done and also had some adhesions that they fixed up. He's got quite a cut on his belly, or it looks like it is, we can't see it too well. He's also got what they call a superpubic tube in his belly, that drains the urine so it doesn't collect in the bladder, giving it time to heal. He was up once yesterday, just from the bed to a chair and today he'll have to get up and try and walk a bit.

Not much sleep to be had in here, Josh always has one machine or another making nosies. He's sleepy and looks like crap. Doug is coming in today and we'll go out for awhile, maybe he'll nap then.

I guess we'll have some company tomorrow, that will be nice, we get tired of looking at each other, LOL. Doug and Breanna are going to come in for the night and stay at a hotel, depending how he's doing I might go stay with them. I think if I laid down in a normal bed I'd be dead to the world for 12 hours or so.

Well it's time to put my laundry in the dryer, see? Even when you leave home you're doing the laundry. There's just no getting away from it.

Monday, February 13, 2006

A snow day in the city

Well that's one less day of school Josh is going to miss, that's good! Josh is doing well, he's hungry, he hasn't eaten anything solid since Saturday and is getting tired of jello. The clean out went well and he's all set for tomorrow morning. He's just waiting for 2pm so he can go hang out in the teen lounge for a couple of hours, he's getting tired of tv and movies.

We've got a nice room all to our selves with a fold out couch that has a 1000 year old matteres on it, my back is killing me. I also found it very cold in here last night.

Anyway, time to go for a walk to Tim's for some tea. Will check in later. You can email us at or