Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I've Moved!

Come visit at our my new location...


Don't forget to bookmark it!

I may take on another blog here, if it works out, so keep checking back. K?

The last day of vacation for the kids

Tomrorow morning it's back on the bus and back to school. By Friday they will be so tired they won't know what hit them. Today they are going out to luch with friends, they get their hair cut at 3 and do the normal check book bags, etc. I have lots to do on my first day off since last Thurs. I have 25 cases of Hershy's chocolate bars that I have to go through and sort before skating registration Thurs. night.

I'm thinking of changing blog spots, I have one in mind but I'll let you know if I switch. Blogger has been a big PITA latley, it won't post pics half the time. So I'll keep checking other ones out till I find one that I like and is easy to use.

Anyway, with a list a mile long waiting for me, I better get some work done. I'll check in tomorrow with back to school pictures!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Crock Hunter Killed

Taken from CNN...
Steve Irwin, the TV host known as the "Crocodile Hunter," has died after
being stung by a stingray off Australia's north coast. Irwin, 44 was killed by a
stingray barb that went through his chest, according to police sources. Irwin
was filming an underwater documentary at the time

We loved watching Steve and will miss seeing him on TV. He seemed like a wonderful man.