Monday, September 03, 2007

The last days of summer

Summer vacation has come to an end. One more day and the kids are back in school. The say they aren't ready but I think they are. It's time to get back in to the routine for all of us. Today is the last day of the long weekend, we've had a good weekend, not doing much besides being together, we've gone for drives, done some last minute shopping and played with the Wii. Today the pool is coming down, with the nights being cold, any warmth that it picks up during the day it loses at night, so we decided that it was time to take it down so it can dry off before we put it away in the basement for the winter. Once we get it away, we'll move the trampoline over to where the pool was, until it's time to put that away too. I hate the thought of summer being over, the cold and snow will be on us in no time, I hate winter.

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