Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hurricane Kyle

It's a stormy night out there tonight and the storm hasn't gotten here yet. I worked all weekend, not a bad weekend, yesterday it was crazy busy, today started out busy but as the rain started, the people stayed home. The weekend went by quite quickly thought. By this afternoon the rain had started and by the time we closed the wind had picked up. With Josh being a big weather watcher, we always pay quite a bit of attention to any storms that are coming our way and this one sounds like it's going to be the biggest one this year, or so far anyway. Kyle is about 4 hours off shore and is heading towards Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. The wind is pretty high and the lights have flickered a time or two, so Josh is finished his shower and Breanna is in there now, once she's finished I'll head in so at least that will be done if the power goes out. Amazing Race starts tonight so I really hope that the power stays on until after we get to see that. The bad thing about storms this time of year is that the leaves, for the most part, are still on the trees, so the wind can take a tree down pretty fast. I won't be impressed if the power goes out and stays out so that the kids don't have school, last winter and spring, it seemed every day I had off, I had at least one kid home with me, so you just watch and see if they are home on my day off. LOL

My tattoo is healing up, it's just starting to dry out and itch but I've been keeping it moist this time so I hope it doesn't scab and take color off with the scabs like it did on my back. I have very strange skin that scars pretty bad, I think that's why I have trouble getting them to heal. I'll be glad when it's all healed though, it looks pretty good and I still love it, just don't love the itching. LOL

I have to take some pictures of Josh's stomach later tonight and send them off to the bowel nurse at the IWK, he seems to have something on his incision that looks like a small cyst, I'm not sure what it is but I know it's not supposed to be there, it's going to really suck if we go in for his surgery on the 9th and they can't do it, we're both really looking forward to getting it over with so he can go back to somewhat normal activities.

Well I guess I'll go back to watching the news, that is all about Kyle, which strangely enough, 5 years to the day after Hurricane Juan, the last Hurricane that hit us hard, weird eh?

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