Sunday, June 25, 2006

Another Yucky Weekend

Rain rain go away! OMG, this is crazy! Back in the winter it was predicted that we would have a hot dry summer, so far that's WRONG! It's been raining all weekend, lots of rain. Needless to say, the Spina Bifida ball tournament got rained out again, so it won't be held this year. So we'll plan on going next year, we just won't tell anyone, maybe it won't rain.

School is just about done, Breanna goes tomorrow, Josh isn't. They both go back on Friday to get report card and will be done until Sept. Next weekend is the long weekend and our Privateer Days. Breanna is in the parade on Saturday. I have Friday night off and Saturday day time. The fireworks are Sunday night this year, stupid IMO. So when it rains on Sunday, they won't be till Monday, should have kept it on Friday, then if it rained chances are they could have done them Sat. or Sun. night.

Had some great news last night, I've been very down, upset about missing Linda's wedding, missing her and Beth and Matt. Had email from Beth last night to say she'd be home for the long weekend. We're all very happy about that. The kids were so excited when I told them she was coming. They love and miss them all as much as I do. I call Linda's kids my first kids, they are so much like own instead of my niece and newphew.

We've started getting stuff ready for Josh to go to camp. He's looking forward to it, I hope he makes it through the week. I know he'll probably sleep for a week when he gets home.

Tonight I have to run over town and see my other mother. It's June's birthday tomorrow and I have to work tomorrow night so I'll take her gift over tonight. Then we'll probably watch a movie and go to bed early, I've had a heck of a headache all day, probably from the humid weather.

Have a good week everyone!

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