Friday, June 30, 2006

A Very Happy Mom!

The kids got their report cards today, Josh missed 31.5 days since he had 2 operations in grade 7, he got the Principal's Award, a math award, a social studies award and got honors. Breanna had a great one too, the highest she can get is a 3 and she had all 3's except 2 that she had 2+ and 1, 2.


Melli said...

GO KIDS!!! Wow! I guess neither one of them is looking for a career in acting, huh? Wendy directed me here today!

Pixie said...

Cute kids! And way to go on the grades!! Hope the surgeries were a one time thing & not something he'll have to do too often. Have an awesome weekend. :-)

Wendy directed me here today.

Melli said...

Hope you guys have a FABULOUS 4th of July!

I'm still riding the WENDY-GO-ROUND!