Monday, November 07, 2005

Monday morning madness

What a day, and it's only 8:21am. Today was Josh's first day back on the bus in the morning. I get up at 6:45 and he's still snoring away, not a good thing when the bus comes at 7. He got up, took his pills, got dressed and drank a Carnation Instant Breakfast and was out the door by 7. Yesterday was his first day since surgery that he didn't have to take any Tylenol at all, so it's getting better.

Had a call from my big sis last night, seems her ex, that I hated with a passion because of the way he treated her and the kids, was found on a boat, dead. I can't believe he died of natural causes, the man was such an ass that nobody liked him. So word is now getting around that he's gone and everyone is calling to see where I was on the weekend. Nope, wasn't me, he's on the west coast, I'm on the east. The strange thing was, even though I could not stand Greg, I did feel a little bad when Linda told me. See people? I'm not totally heartless as some think I am.

Plans for today are to hang out with my buddy Brian, while Wendy and June go to the city. I also have to get everything ready for CanSkate tomorrow, since I work all day tomorrow. I'm just glad I'm feeling better today, I've had a headache since Friday night. Gawd I hate migraines! I'm so glad I don't get them as much as I used to.