Saturday, December 22, 2007

Only 3 more sleeps

Only 3 more sleeps till Santa arrives! The kiddies are getting very excited and have been told "I'm calling Santa!" more than once in the last few days. I have today off, started with getting a little extra sleep, I've got the laundry done and Doug is up talking to someone about buying the rest of Mom's furniture. Once he gets back and I have the floors done, then we're off to Bridgewater to take back a pair of pants, get Breanna some Chrsitmas jammies and look for something else for Mom. I know what she wants and we didn't have it at work so I got something else, but knowing Mom, she'll never be happy with what I got her, so I'll look and see if I can get a deal in Bridgewater.

Tomorrow it's back to work for 2 days, which isn't too bad, we're all in a good mood and having lots of fun. Having a store full of teenagers helps a lot! So now I should go do my hair and get the floors done, so much to do, so little time! If I don't get back...
Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Caring for tomorrow's world

Let's face it, we all need to live in a clean house, to do that, we need to use things that clean our house. But we don't need to use harsh, environmentally unfriendly products. I have found a website that is very interesting, lots of great reading along with a lot of products that we can use instead of the harsh products most of us use now. If you are looking to replace your cleaners with green products and need ideas on how to make your environment a little greener, you have to check this site out and do some reading yourself. offers hundred of eco friendly products, from bedding, accessories, baby items to a new vacuum cleaner, you can find it all at once place.

Another of the topics you can read about on this site is how to save energy, how to purify your water and how to go solar, with the prices of gas and electricity these days, any way we can save money is a great thing, just keeping your home warm enough through the winter is costing more and more every year. So any way that we can live a cleaner, greener life is a good thing for us and a great thing for our world.

So go check out this great site, do some comparing of products and then do some shopping, start 2008 by doing yourself and the rest of the world a favor by becoming greener!

Environmental Products

How about some gold for Christmas

Maybe some gold bracelets are on your list to Santa this year? If so, I have found the perfect site for you to look for the one or maybe two, that you would like to have. Along with a beautiful assortment of bracelets, they also have lots of other jewelry that you can look at, I'm sure you'll have no problem finding things that you'd love to have, I know I have found more than one thing I'd love to have!

It's a wet and windy night

Well it was beginning to look a lot like Christmas, now it's just wet and windy. We had snow all afternoon, it was stormy enough to close the store an hour early so everyone could get home safe and sound, but now the snow has turned to rain and will all be gone by morning I'm sure. It's looking like our hopes of a white Christmas are not going to happen again this year. The long term forecast calls for +7 on Christmas day. :(

I have tomorrow off to try and finish up some things, like Mom's apartment, I hope. Someone is coming tomorrow night to look at the rest of the furniture and I hope he takes it all with him when he goes, then just a few things to take out of the cupboard and a few more boxes to store in the basement, and it will be done, not a moment too soon!