Friday, April 29, 2011


I gotta tell you, the only thing that is making me happy that it's Friday this week is the fact that today is supposed to be the last day that it rains for a few days. OMG the wet, damp weather really plays hell with my back and this week it has been terrible. Not much in the plans for the weekend, we have to clean out Breanna's dresser, which is always a long job. Lots to clean out that she's outgrown I'm sure.

I've been sitting here watching the Royal Wedding since I got up, I wasn't getting up at 5am to watch, since I didn't go to bed till 3, but I've been watching the re-run. What a beautiful wedding, and another People's Princess for the world to watch, she really is stunning.

So we're getting ready for Cheer Intensity's last competition, not just for this year but forever. Our coach Jason has decided to move on and go coach Cheer Elite in the city, one of the best cheer teams around. It's a great move for him but sucks for us. Breanna cried the other night for an hour when I told her. I have no idea what she'll do for next year. If I had known this was going to happen I would have never let her change teams this year. She has the opportunity to go to the city and be on Elite but that is $1400.00 and practices are twice a week, on week nights. So that's about 5 hours that she'd be gone from home. That is way too much for her. I know her school work would suffer and she would be miserable. Her school work has to come first, our kids start school before 8am so she's up early, right now she gets to sleep a little later because Josh takes the car every day, next year he'll be at NSCC and she'll be back on the bus, which gets here at 6:45am. So as heartbreaking as it is for both of us, we just can't do it. So stay tuned to see what she'll do for next year, she wants to stay with cheer but she also wants to still compete at level 3, which she did this year, so I just don't know

Thursday, April 28, 2011

RV Insurance

Camping time is just about upon us, can we say yea? It's about time too! If you are one of the lucky ones who have a great RV to take off in, don't forget to get your best deal on your rv insurance. Insurance is a necessary evil in our world, it's expensive but it's there when you need it and you are so glad you have it. So why not get the best deal you can get? Check out this page to get some hot insurance quotes, before it's time to hit the road!


Do you do any inside growing during our off season, which seems to be getting longer and longer as the years go on? Many people like to start their plants inside and then take them out to the garden once we know our frost season is over with. If you do, you should get hooked up with some great hydroponics and nutrients that you can find on this web site.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! And a beautiful day it was. Today was the first day that really felt like spring was here. I got up at 9, after going to bed at 3, LOL, we went to Nanny and Papa's for dinner and then came home and spent most of the afternoon outside. Doug put the trampoline up and I guess I cheered him on. Wasn't that good of me? I kinda thought so.

It's been a hard week here in Liverpool, a lady from here has been missing since a week ago last Thursday. I feel so bad for her family, they have no answers as to where Laura is. I've known her all of my life I think, or most of it, I don't remember when I met her but I think maybe her Mom used to go to Mom to get her hair done. It's hard when something like this happens in a small town, we know everyone and it hurts when there are no answers. It's like she disappeared into thin air. Come home soon Laura.