Saturday, May 29, 2010

Testosterone booster

Do you take a testosterone supplement to gain muscle? If you do, do you know what the best of the best testosterone booster is? If you've thought of taking something please do your research before you start, check out this website where they have checked to see what the best is. This is how they rank them:

Does it effectively increase you testosterone levels?
It is highly recommended by people who try it?
Is it safe to use?
Does it have a reasonable price?

Then they pass along the info to you, the customers.

Diets that work

Diet, a 4 letter bad word. I hate trying to lose weight, it's a long and never ending battle. There are 1000s of diets and workouts on the go that you can try but if you are going to try something, don't you want to find out what the diets that work are? Check out this website where you can read what the top diets that work are and what the top diet pills that work are before you start out on your summer weight loss plan.

What a beautiful day!

Summer has come back to visit us for another day, I'm not saying it's here to stay, it tricked us last week. LOL Actually it's supposed to be warm again tomorrow but maybe a little rain to go with it, but they say we need the rain so I guess we can't complain. The rain isn't so bad if it's warm out.

Breanna made it through the first night of having her bottom braces but I'll be so glad when they stop bothering her. She's not eating much so she's complaining that she's going to starve to death. She's nice and quiet now though, or maybe she's not, but she's not here. LOL She's gone to stay with her 2 BFFs in a tent. I won't be at all shocked if we get a call to come and get her, she's just feeling miserable and I don't think she'll stay away all night but she might surprise me.

Friday, May 28, 2010


HGH is a hormone that is produced naturally by the brain. By the time we are 30, the body isn't producing as much as it used to, so some people take hgh injections to try and reverse the slowing of hgh production. These injections are very costly and not something the average person can afford to buy. Now there are other ways to get hgh supplements and this website will tell you which ones are the best and where you can get the best deal on them is. They rate the supplements on 6 criteria and then tell you what the top 3 are.

Best hemorrhoids treatment

If you have ever suffered with hemorrhoids you know that they are a pain in the butt, literally. Not only uncomfortable but down right painful at times, a lot of the time you think the only solution is surgery. There are other, less invasive treatments are out there but you want to know what the best hemorrhoids treatment is and if you check out this web page, you'll see what some of the best are. They rate the treatments on 5 things and then let you know what the top 3 are, so you know what to look for when you start shopping.

Term life insurance for seniors

Life insurance is something we should all have, no matter how old you are. Even if you are a senior and don't have insurance and think that it's too expensive for you to get now, it's not. Check out this site that has great rates on term life insurance for seniors. Just a matter or a couple clicks and you will be well on your way to making sure that your family isn't left with no money to play for your final costs. Even when you think you aren't going to have much for final costs, none of it is cheap. Neither of my parents had big funerals, just a small visitation at the funeral home, no minister, no singer, just us and those who visited and the bill was still over $5000.00. So please, if you don't have life insurance, please check this site out and make sure you have everything looked after.

Braces part 2

Breanna had her bottom braces put on today, finally. The top ones have been on since Sept. and everyone kept asking when the bottom would be put on. We didn't realize how crooked her teeth really were until she got these on, they go up and down the whole way across. The top ones are looking better, there's room for one of her eye teeth to come down, now they just have to make room for the second one. The Dr. said that they may have to take one out of the bottom yet but he's not sure.

Josh has been sick for the last few days, he missed 2 days of school, went to school today but came home at lunch time and missed his last class. He's had a high fever, stuffy nose and sore throat. I hope he doesn't share with the rest of us, Brea just had the stomach flu last week and I don't think she needs something else just yet.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Contemporary furniture

Are you doing some spring renos? How about a new living room? What is your style of furniture? I've found a great site on line where you can pick up some great deals on contemporary furniture. Sign up for their news letter so you don't miss out on any great deals and you can also order their catalogue. If you happen to shop before next week you can save some extra money during their Memorial Day Sale. You can also enter to win an awesome trip to Copenhagen! So go have a look, even if you weren't planning to do a home makeover, this sale may just change your mind!

Doorbell buttom

Doing some exciting shopping on line today, you ready for this? I was shopping for a doorbell button! LOL Wasn't expecting that one were you?? Anyway, really, that's what I was shopping for. Our doorbell hasn't worked since we moved into this house 16 years ago, you wouldn't believe how many times people come to the door and stand there forever pushing our broken button. So instead of trying to fix the old one, we are just going with a wireless doorbell, so of course we need a button. They have some really nice ones on this site, you wouldn't think you could be so choosy when it comes to something like this but I'm having a grand time picking a new one out!

Fish food

So how many pets do you have? Inside pets or outside pets? We have 4, yes, 4, cats, that's it and that's plenty. One thing I would LOVE to have, that my sis had when she lived here, is a pond in the back yard and some beautiful fish in it. If you have fish, like Koi or catfish, I have found a better place for you to order your fish food from. They have all kinds of great information listed on the website and you can hook up with them through facebook or twitter! They offer live help on line and you can figure out what you need with the pond calculator. So if you have a pond or are thinking of getting one, check this great site out!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Well we made it through the 1st long weekend

The first long weekend of spring/summer is all over. And what a weekend it was, actually, it was nice all weekend but cool, until yesterday, then whoooo, it was summer! Like +30, it was crazy, I even had a headache from the heat, not that I don't like hot weather but it would be nice if we eased into it and it didn't just hit out of nowhere. LOL Today it was back to being nice but cool in the wind and down here the wind feels like it's coming right off the ocean, well, I guess it is.

There's only a little more than a month left of school then God help me, my first summer home with the kids in a long long time. I've threatened them that I'm going to make Doug take the car to work so that I'm not playing taxi all summer. I guess that will be one good thing about Josh getting his licence. *shiver*

Wrinkle filler

Oh the joys of getting old, the sagging, the age spots and of course, the wrinkles. If you are looking for a good skin care product that is good for your skin but is also a great wrinkle filler, check out this site where they rank the top three wrinkle fillers on the market right now. They rate the products on 3 different criteria and then let you know what ones come in top. They also tell you how they work and what the price of them is.

Over The Counter Prenatal Vitamin

What is one of the most important things to do when you find out you are pregnant or better yet, if there is a chance you might get pregnant, take prenatal vitamins. Taking a simple vitamin every day can prevent birth defects, such as Spina Bifida. The problem with taking them after you become pregnant is, that many times by the time you find out, the damage is already done, hence my saying you should take them if there is a chance you could get pregnant. Even if you don't get to your Doctor to get them you can go pick up an over the counter prenatal vitamins to start.

Best Weight Loss Pill

Spring is here and sometimes it feels like summer! The good part of that is that bathing suit season is right around the corner, for some, for others it's already here and for some, like me, the bathing suit might not make it out of the dresser drawer. If you need some help getting rid of your "winter coat" of weight and have thought of trying a diet pill, first you want to find out just which one is the best weight loss pill and you can do that right on this web site.