Friday, April 16, 2010

Another exciting weekend!

Well another weekend is here but when you don't work, it's all the same to me. LOL We have a competition this weekend in Dartmouth but it's just a one day thing so we don't have to spend a night away. We just go in on Sunday morning and hope to be back before too late that night. We're actually not positive we are going, the girls are a little unsure of the routine so we're waiting till tomorrow to decide for sure. I'm sure they will do just fine if we go but we need them to be totally comfortable with it, if not, that's how accidents happen.

Right now Brea and I are watching Season 1 of Glee, we didn't watch it last year but when I saw an add for this season it looked so good that I bought the first season off eBay and we are slowly getting them watched. I taped the first one of this season to watch when we catch up. LOL I wish I had known how good it was, we are loving it!

So although I've always sworn I'd never take a vacation away from my kids, it seems I just might do that, IF I can save enough money and that's IF the mill doesn't keep shutting down like it did last year, the first shutdown starts on Wed. and they are down for a little more than a month. My nephew, Matthew, is getting married somewhere down south, could be anywhere in the Carribean and it will kill me for one of my sisters kids to get married without me, I love them both like they are my own and although I said I wasn't going to go and wasn't going to let it bother me, it is, and it's still a year away. So we'll see what the year brings...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

How to remove blackheads

Do you have trouble with acne and blackheads? Did you know that the acne medication they sell does not help with blackheads? If you would like to find out how to remove blackheads check out this page. It gives you the ins and outs of how to get rid of your blackheads. They rank different medications and treatments and tell you which ones work and which ones are a waste of your money.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Barcode Scanner

If you have your own business you need to own a barcode scanner. They can make your whole life a whole lot easier. I know when it came time to do inventory I loved being able to use a hand held scanner, it made the whole headache of inventory a lot better. If you need a new hand held scanner, check out this web site where they have pretty much any scanner you could be looking for, all with great deals on them.

A missing friend

A lot of people have been worrying their heads off for the last couple weeks about a friend that is missing. I've known Darren since I was probably in Jr. High. Darren lived in Toronto up until a couple months ago when he decided to move to San Fransico to finish up his 2 books he was finishing. Darren would call his best friend every Saturday night like clock work but she hasn't heard from him for 4.5 weeks, which is making us worry even more. We have started a Facebook group and have about 200 members that are praying for Darren to be found safe and sound, every day that goes by makes us worry more. Hurry home Darren...


Spring is the time to think about home renovations, so much better to do it when you can have the windows open and a little "spring fever" to help you get it done. If you are doing some spring renovations and have a new sink on your list, you have got to check this site out. They have every style and model that you might be looking for.

Weight Loss Products

Spring is here, now is the time we all start to panic because chances are, we aren't going to fit into last years bathing suit! I've been trying to get some weight off and have been looking on line for some of the best of the best weight loss products. This site tells you the good, the bad and the ugly of the top 10 weight loss products. they rank all of the products they test and you get to see what ranked highest. They offer 110% price guarantee and free priority shipping, who doesn't love FREE!?

Whole Live Insurance

So we all know when it comes to life insurance, it's a gotta have. We don't want to leave this world knowing that we are going to be a burden to those we love. A funeral isn't cheap these days, even the most minimal thing you can do isn't cheap. So if you are looking for whole life insurance, check out this place. You just put in your zip code and they do all the hard work for you. They also offer lots of advise and give you plenty of information to read before you decide what is right for you.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Not much going on around here, just the normal, me being in pain, trying to get stuff done, feeling like a failure, same old same old. We are also getting close to the end of the cheer season, with only 2 competitions left, one this weekend that is just for one day and one April 30 - May 2nd, that is the Provincials and the last comp of the season, thank God. I had to tell Brea tonight that I can't go with her, it's during shut down and there's no way I'm going to be able to go with her, that sent her to her bedroom in tears, which made me cry, but without permission from the man of the house, I can't go, it sucks.

Along with all the other stress going on right now, a good friend has been missing for over 4 weeks, he was a boy friend from many years ago, who is now a published writer. He's been living in San Francisco for the last couple of months and about 4 weeks ago seems to have dropped of the face of the earth. This is also playing hell with my nerves, he's still a friend and I hope we soon find him and that he's okay.

I guess I'm in a funk that I just can't get out of, maybe when I see the Surgeon on May 5th he'll have some good news for me.