And it sounds like our first big storm of the year is on it's way. We've been very lucky so far. Between tonight and tomorrow we could get 10-30 cms of snow, the forcast keeps changing so we don't know for sure what's coming. I'm off today, well except for skating this afternoon. I'm spose to work tomorrow night but that will depend on how much snow is down. One of my co-workers lives a little closer and is right on the main road so she'll probably go in for me if I don't want to go out in it.Our baby girl is at the vet waiting to have her operation today. I'm sure she's not a happy campper at the moment. Snowball is wondering around the house looking like he's lost. I think he misses her even though she bugs the crap out of him. Josh has pics of the cats on his blog, the addy is over there ---->For anyone that has been reading but doesn't know what Josh is going to the hospital for, it's called Bladder Augmentation. They will take a piece of his bowel and patch it on to his bladder to make it bigger. Right now his bladder can only hold 3oz. So even though it's going to be hell to get through, it will be worth it in the long run. Right now it's just hard for him to look past the 2 weeks in the hospital. Well I should go have a nap now that the kids are gone to school, LOL. My back has been bothering me the last couple of days, probably due to the storm that's coming, for God sakes I sound like my Grammie. LOL Stay tuned, I'm sure tomorrow I'll have some storm pictures to post.