Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Welcome to SUMMER!

Yay! The first day of summer is here! Now if it would start to feel like summer we'd be doing great!

The weekend was good, Josh went to the prom but was very tired that day and had a headache, I think the headache was freaking him out because he had it for a couple of days and he was getting worried that it was his shunt. With some extra sleep it did go away though. Here's a picture of Josh getting ready for the prom...

The kids are in the last full week of school and keeping busy. Josh had homework last night, a test today and that should be it for work for him. Breanna is going to the museum today and on a class trip tomorrow, she has field day on Friday and pizza and a movie day on Monday, boy they have it hard don't they? Then they are off till Friday when they go get their report cards. I'll be working but hope I can get someone to bring them up to the store so I can see the report cards. That weekend is Privateer Days here, it's a busy weekend for everyone with craft sales, boat races, rides, a parade and fire works. I hope we get a nice weekend.

The Spina Bifida ball tournament is this weekend and it sounds like it's going to be rained out again. So Josh won't get to do his job till next June when they have it again. I hope that if it rains the teams still donate their money, it's the main fund raiser for the SBANS.

Well, the laundry is ready to come up and get folded so I guess I should get moving. Have a great one!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Anniversary to US

This was us, 12 years ago today!
Happy 12th Anniversary Hunny! Here's to many, many more.
Love you!