Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday night check in

I got in trouble today for not posting, sorry bout that Mama D. What can I say, it's either been a busy week or I didn't have much to say. LOL And really it's more that there's nothing that interesting going on so I don't blog.

I haven't been up to see Baby Jack tomorrow but I hope to go see him tomorrow, I'm so in love with this little guy whom I have not even met yet. I hope to remember to take my camera and get some pictures of him, I'll have to ask Ann I I can post one on here so my sis can see it. Cuz my sis reads this every day, so yes, she's probably been cursing me this week to for being lazy.

Tonight was Meikka's 80's party, I wasn't going to go because of my back and I'm on the pain patch and didn't know if I could drink. I decided when I got off that I would go, got ready and went up to Meikka's, had one drink and called Doug to come and get me, my back is hurting so much and I really should not be drinking since I've only had the pain patch on for a week.

So ya, I'm old and in pain and did I mention that I'm old? LOL

Diet Pills

Are thinking it's time to get rid of some of that unwanted weight that you have put on over the winter? I know I am, and also thinking of getting a little help from one of the many diet pills that are on the market these days. If you are thinking of getting some help from diet pills, you have to check out this website, where they list the 10 ten of the diet pills on the market today. has taken the guesswork out of the buying experience for weight loss pills. We've reviewed over 200 of the top selling diet pills in the world and ranked them based on the following 12-Point Criteria:
1. Value
2. Ingredient Quality
3. Customer Feedback
4. Safety
5. Company Reputation
6. Reorder Rates
7. Customer Service
8. Product Sensation
9. Packaging
10. Long-Term Benefits
11. Product Convenience
12. Weight-Loss Potential
We didn't just stop there. After ranking the products, we searched the web for the absolute best places to buy weight loss pills online. So now you can buy the best diet pills - at the best prices - from the retailers with the best customer service!