Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Update on my appointment

I broke sumthin! That's what I told Doug when I got home, it's a bone on the bottom tip of my sternum, have no idea how I did it, but hey, that's no shock with me. LOL It's just one of those things that have to heal on their own.

My nephew, Matthew should be on his way back to BC from Peru by now, thank God. He's had a rough time of it over there and wanted to get out as soon as he could, poor kid, well he's not a kid, but will always be a kid to me I guess.

I go back to work tomorrow, after being off a week, I don't wanna! LOL

We gave up on catching kitty. This morning we had a raccoon in the trap, of all things. It made quite a mess of the trap. I think Mamma kitty has had some kittens in the last few days so I don't want to take her away from them. The bad news is she probably had them in the woods and it's raining quite hard, I hope they are okay.

Just about time to hit the hay, weekend is almost here!

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