Sunday, October 28, 2007

Josh's New Love

Josh has found a new love, paint ball, mind you it's an expensive hobby but he's having a great time with it. It looks fun and if I didn't think I'd kill myself running through the woods, I'd probably give it a try. Mind you, tonight it's all he can do to walk, he has to hold on to the wall to get around, but them's the breaks when it comes to his legs, you play, you pay, he's quite used to it.

Supper tonight didn't agree with me too much, I'm got terrible cramps tonight, I just hope that they go away before bed time and I don't have to put in a night like I did last Sunday night. Now that it's been narrowed down to 2 things, I don't want to Google either of them till we know which one I'm dealing with and how bad it is. I'll make an appointment with my Dr tomorrow after finding out how long it will take for the biopsy's to come back. I don't want to take any more time off work, I've had more than my share in the past few weeks, all because of being sick.

Anyway, I think I'll sit back with a book and watch some TV to see if things settle down. Have a great week everyone, it's the last week of Oct. Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looked like he is having fun:)