Sunday, December 02, 2007

Baby it's cold outside!

I know, it's Dec. we are supposed to be cold, but I hate it! I'm not a cold weather girlie, I'm a warm, t-shit weather girl. LOL I was just born in the wrong place I guess. Not much new going on, busy with Mom's apartment, getting ready for Christmas and cleaning my own house. Same as everyone else I guess. Mom has been moved back to Liverpool so that saves us the trips to the city, now I just have to find time to go up to see her every day, at least once. LOL She's been tired since she got home and it makes it much more difficult to understand her, it's like playing a long game of charades that just makes her more upset. Her apartment is just about done, except the furniture and dishes, which I hope to have done by next weekend, hope being the word of the week.

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