Sunday, January 27, 2008

I see a snow day

I think there will be a snow day in our future, of course it won't be a snow day for me, I'll still have to go to work but the kids will probably have the day off. They are calling for a snow storm tonight, followed by rain for 3 days, why can't it just snow and that be the end of it, I hate it when we have the snow then rain, which every storm this winter has had. We haven't had a big storm that the kids can go out and play and go on their sleds, we just get snow, then rain, heck our driveway hasn't had to be plowed this year! Josh is looking forward to a snow day, exams start tomorrow, so he's had his nose in the books for most of the weekend, I hope he does okay, this last year in Jr High is an important one and there's no moving forward to High School unless all marks are above passing.

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