Friday, March 19, 2010

It has been...

The week from h*l*. I want this week over and to never have another one like it. It started on Sunday when a friend passed away after a 5 year battle with cancer, she fought hard and she fought long, but it finally got the best of her and she's now an Angel in Heaven after being an Angel here on earth. Monday we had to go to Bridgewater for a meeting and we got a call right before we left that my Aunt wasn't doing very well and I should probably come to the hospital. So we made a quick trip down for the meeting and then right back so I could get to the hospital, once there I found out that we would soon have another Angel in Heaven. I stayed till around 8 then got Doug to come and get me so I could have the car, did a Tim Horton's run and then back to the hospital to stay with the family for awhile. At about 11:30 my back could take no more of being away from the heating pad so I came home, I didn't go to bed because I knew that the phone would ring within the hour and I was right, she was gone.

Last night was visitation for Rosealind, her funeral was today, it was a very hard one, I could see her daughter Tina, who I love to death, and her daughter, who is one of Breanna's best friends, the were taking it very hard, as did most of the people in the church. We then went to the reception which we, the LPCC board members looked after.

Tomorrow is Aunt Shirley's visitation and then funeral, these family funerals just keep getting harder, I have nobody left except my sis, who's on the other side of the country. So I don't have a parent to go with, to help me through this stuff and God knows my husband would never go with me and support me, he didn't even go to my parent's funerals. So I go alone and feel like the misfit of the family. We only have 1 brother and 1 sister of Mom's left, 3 of them are gone now, all of them way too soon.

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