Saturday, September 18, 2010

A beautiful Saturday

Yesterday was a horrible day, it rained so hard that at times you couldn't see 2 feet in front of your face and the wind blew so hard, it was like a hurricane but it wasn't. Josh came home at lunch time and was quite surprised to find out I had power, he told me to go look out the window and I could see what he was talking about. One of the trees in the yard had split and the part that was breaking off, was laying on our power lines. I called NSP right away and was told that someone would come help us out. There were no power outages around here so I thought we'd see someone yesterday afternoon, needless to say, nobody showed up. So today Doug, Josh and our neighbor figured out a way to get the tree down without taking the power line with it.

I'm in more agony than normal today but haven't figured out why. I know I didn't do anything out of the ordinary yesterday so I'm thinking I must have just laid too long in one position through the night, that does it sometimes, as time goes on it takes less and less to make it worse.

Breanna has her first cold of the school year, her teacher has been sick all week with it and she must have caught it from him or one of the other kids in the class. I hope it just stays with the stuffed up nose, it's way too early to miss time in school. She has cheer tomorrow too and I really don't want her to miss that, she's going to miss next Sunday because she's invited to a birthday party and then we're going to Tammi's baby shower, we can't wait, we haven't seen them since Christmas and Luke has grown so much since then.

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