Saturday, November 27, 2010

I have another teenager

My baby girl turned 13 today. She started the day by getting her present from Mom and Dad, her very first cell phone, which she's been hounding for forever, LOL, I told her all along that she wasn't getting one until she was 14, so I lied just a little bit. We had a party at the Union hall from 1-4, 16 girls doing makeup, nails, hair and listening to music, it was fun. It was very hard for her, with 3 of her best friends not there but she made it through with only getting upset about it once.

After the party, Nanny and Pappa came down for some cake, I'm glad we got a big one, we still have some left, which is a good thing, the cake tasted great. No thanks to me, thanks to the Super Store. LOL

This up coming week I have some cheer stuff that I have to look after and am waiting for a call from my Dr. with an appointment with a surgeon, I have to have my ovary out. The cyst that they've been watching for the last year didn't look good on my ultrasound the other week and Garry would like it taken out ASAP. Pretty scary stuff, I'm honestly not sure how much more I can take.

Anyway, it's been a very long day, time for a hot shower and my jammies. Night blogging world!

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