Friday, February 18, 2011

Much better week

No car accidents to report this week, all has been calm. I'm so sick of winter that I thought I'd change up the blog page to look like summer, maybe it will come faster that way?

Breanna finally got a couple babysitting jobs, someone asked me if she'd babysit Saturday night for her 2 girls then my cousin called Friday night looking for someone to look after her 17 month old, Rhys, Brea was at a hockey game so I called to see if she'd like to do it and she was all for it. She made it through great even though the baby woke up about an hour before his Mom and Dad got home, I got a text saying, "Mom, he won't go back to sleep, what does he want?". LMAO Like I can say from here. I told her as long as she could keep him from crying, all would be good. So she made $50 for the weekend, it's great that she'll have spending money for when we go away to competitions. It's hard to come up with spending money when comp season is so short so we are away quite a bit.

Speaking of comp season, the kids are doing great, we've been short a couple of practices because of the weather so they don't have it all down yet, but it's getting there. We practiced last night till almost 9:30 in Bridgewater, it was so cold out, I couldn't wait to get home.

So along with the summery blog, I think I'm going to make a summer supper. Breanna mentioned the other day that we haven't had potatoes done on the BBQ so as long as there is enough propane in the BBQ, we'll have steak and potatoes summer style.

Anyway, did some exercises this morning and of course, that brings on more pain, so it's time to settle in and watch last night's episode of Hellcats, love this show!

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