Thursday, August 31, 2006

It's going to be a long, long weekend

So we're almost at the last weekend before school starts. Sounds like it's going to be a nice one too. I won't see much of it, except from looking out through the window of the store. Oh well, we need the money!

My Dr appointment went okay, ofcourse he has no idea why I'm itchy, could be a problem with my kidneys, could be my nerves, he gave me some pills to try and stop it so we'll see how they work.

I went to the funeral home last night for a quick visit. Didn't get much chance to talk to Belinda because there were a lot of people there, which I knew would happen. I'll give her a call over the weekend to see how she's doing.

My side kick Miss Kimberley is all moved into her new place and is ready for school, I know she'll do well, she better or I'll kick her butt when she comes home. LOL Got that Miss Ley?

Anyway, I'm in the middle of washing bedding so I best get back at it. If I don't check in over the weekend you know where I am...Movie Gallery! Have a great long weekend my friends!

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