Thursday, April 20, 2006

Just a qick update

I'm getting ready for work so this will be quick. After a terrible drive to the city in the rain and snow we had a good check up. He had appointments from 9:30 till 2 with no lunch break so we thought he may start chewing his arm off but he held off till we got him to Wendy's. LOL Anyway, we have to go back to rehab to get a lift put on his shoe but other than that if things work they way they should {shunt} we are clear for a year! And surgery was not mentioned, well it was, but not till he's done growing. I'm glad clinic is over for a year, it's a long day with a lot of information to take in and after 12 years of doing it I still get worn out. Anyway, time to get ready to go to work! Later people!


DonnaLeigh said...

YAY! Glad things went so well!

Wicked day, weather wise, wasn't it? Glad ya made it home in one pc :)

WendyWings said...

Glad to hear things went well Val. :)