Saturday, June 03, 2006

Rained Out!

For the first time in 15 years, the ball tournament got rained out! I think we jinxed it! So we went to the city for the night for nothing, I mean, we had fun, but the money could have been spent elsewhere, like on bills or that kinda stuff. Oh well, the kids got some swimming in and lots to eat. It's been raining since yesterday and is suppose to continue till Monday, oh yay! The pool did need a little more water, did being the word.

This weekend is the IWK/Grace Health Center Telethon, it comes on at 7pm here and continues until tomorrow afternoon. There's a chance Breanna might be on it at some point, they came up to tape her class because one of the students spends lots of time there. Not sure what time the class will be on but we'll be trying to catch it.

Anyway, time to put away the laundry, have a great weekend everyone!

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